Monday, April 27, 2009

Brooks, Lash connections to Stewarts & Brookberry Farm

Wit. to Samuel's will of 1768 were Elizabeth Winscott, [Preston] Crafford and I. Carvey [actually was O. Harvey]. Elizabeth Winscott later married Benjamin Stewart, one of Samuel and Lydia's sons. Lydia received all of the movable estate in Samuel's will 1768/1770, and sons Benjamin and Joseph received the land. Lydia left a will of 1771/72 The land was 508 acres and sold in two separate transactions. May 1775 Matthew Brooks bought 124 acres and the sale is recorded in Surry Co. NC. Book A p 169. The remaining 384 acres was also sold to Matthew Brooks 1779. (According to the Harrison Online Repository, Matthew Brooks had Jacob Brooks Sr. as an ancestor, who was a Judge and held out for the rights of the oppressed Regulators and was heavily involved with a bunch of NC Regulators)

Matthew Brooks was involved in records with the Lash family, as well, but mainly because of their local, legal standing. Matthew Brooks was an attorney and Justice of the Peace.


Debbie, you mentioned on the phone about someone ... with the name Brooks, didn't you? Bo has mentioned ... the Lash family, also.

The Stewarts I'm researching were close relatives with the Harrison family, and they all moved from Harrisonburg, Va to the Yadkin River valley in the 1750s, together. Various members of these Harrisons and Stewarts had legal dealings in the 1750s and later with Jacob Lash (Loesch) and Matthew Brooks. Brooks was an attorney and Justice of the Peace, and even he and Christian Lash were appraisers of estates together, among other things.

Get this, though. Samuel and Lydia Harrison Stewart owned 508 acres. In 1775 (after Sam and Lydia had both died), two of their sons sold 124 acres of this land to none other than Matthew Brooks. Then, in 1779, they sold the remainder of the 508 acres to the same man, Matthew Brooks. So all 508 acres of Samuel Stewart's land was sold in the 1770s to Matthew Brooks.

When the Stewarts got the land it was Rowan Co. By 1771 it was in Surry Co. Then in 1789 it became Stokes Co, and then in 1849 it became Forsyth Co. From some research I've seen, Tomahawk Branch was also known as Stewart's Run or Stewart's Branch at times.

Is this whetting your appetite any?



Subject: [NCROWAN] Miscellaneous Notes on One George Hauser of Early RowanCo., NC
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007

In trying to sort out some of my colonial ancestors, I often collect notes on associated families. These notes which I have collected MAY help someone else. I was interested in this man [or perhaps several men of the same name] who was associated with one Christian Lash.

One of my ancestresses was a Lash--Nancy Lash, daughter of one George Lash, also known as Loesch. The Loeschs were originally Moravian. Jacob Loesch got many land grants from the office of Lord Granville before the American Revolution.

If you are interested in the Lash of Loesch family or families of early Rowan Co., let us compare notes.

Oh, yes. If you use the cited material in your own work, please incorporate the source--the citation which I have tried to include. Instead of footnotes, I embed the source material notes, as I cut and paste these bios a LOT, many times to arrange the events chronologically. If you are a skilled genealogist, you know by now to include citations. (In other words, did you dream up this material, or are you gathering the information from a published source or from a film of an original record? Your descendants will want to know. I have inherited several flawed family histories without citations. Wasted countless hours!! Save your descendants from wasted hours!!!)

Another favor to ask: If you know the bride of Christian Lash, will you send me an e-mail? Thanks in advance.


GEORGE HAUSER. (8 Feb 1730 nr. Conshohocken, PA-d. ca 28 Feb 1801 Bethania, Stokes Co., NC [not verified].

George Hauser, Sr. may be son or brother of Michael Hauser who is associated with Jacob Lash (Loesch) in land grants of Lord Granville in western North Carolina in 1761 and 1762, in Rowan Co., NC. In fact, one Michael Houser appears in Patent Bk 6-155 as acquiring land (patent) in Rowan County on the Yadkin Waters on or about 6 December 1753.


Martin Houser got another patent 1762 in Rowan Co. on both sides of Bashaba creek. (Ibid, p. 369)

George Hauser is also associated with Lash or Loesch family members and with Michael Hauser. Lash was frequently a deputy surveyor, and at times both the Hausers were sworn chain carriers. In 1761, Hauser's patent of 22 Jan 1761 joined William Linvill and the North Bank of Yadkin River.

(Margaret M. Hofmann, THE GRANVILLE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1748-1763, ABSTRACTS OF LAND GRANTS, VOL. THREE [Weldon NC: Roanoke News, ca 1986]

According to abstracts of deeds of Rowan Co., NC, George Houser/Hauser already owned land in Jan 1755 on or near the NE side of Yadkin River as his lines are referenced in a grant from Granville to Robert Elrod, which had been proved in May Court 1753.

According to the Granville grant of Robert Ellrod, 27 Jan 1755, Ellrods grant on the N East Side of the Yadking River, Rowan Co., adjoined the land of George Houser [sic].

(Margaret M. Hofmann, THE GRANVILLE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1748-1763, VOL. 3 [Weldon, NC: Roanoke News, 1986?], p. 62)

Later Elrods and Hausers are found in Stokes Co., NC deeds. In fact, one of the Hausers was married to a bride named Elrod.

There was a George Hauser, Jr. in Stokes Co., NC, according to records of that county, and it is probably he who appears in records of that county in later years.

George Hauser was one of the justices of the peace in Stokes Co. in 1793. One Christian Lash appears in the minutes of the court Sept 1793, as does Richard Linvill[e] and Nathaniel Lash.


George Hauser and Peter Houser were witnesses to this deed in late 1792:

Stokes Co., DB 1 11 Sept. 1792 bet. William Elrod and John Krouse.. 200 pds.. 200 ac. Stewarts Branch...Millars corner...Bolejacks (Bulitscheck) and Lashs lines. Carvers line...[wp note: was this Harvey's line?] (orig. granted to Matthew Brooks and from him to Aquilla Matthews 16 Feb 1787, and from Matthews to sd Elrod 14 Nov 1787)..
Geo. Hauser)
Peter Hauser)
William Elrod

(Mrs. W. O. Absher & Mrs. Robert K. Hayes, STOKES COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA RECORD OF DEEDS, VOL. 1 (1787-1793) [North Wilkesboro, NC, n.d.), p. 29)

11 Sept 1792 bet George Hauser and William Alford.. 114 pds., 165 ac. Gentrys Branch of Muddy Creek.. Henry Holders SW corner.. Jacob Nulls line.. (part of 350 ac. granted to James Gordon 3 Nov 1784; from Seth Gordon heir of sd James Gordon to George Lash 22 Jan 1785; and from George Lash to George Hauser 20 Feb 1788
Abm. Steiner) George Hauser
Laughlin X Flin

(Ibid., p. 34)

V. I, page 178 "28 February 1800. Will of George HAUSER, Senr. March Term 1800. Wife Barbara. Son Lorenz, my dwelling house and lott in case he can be admitted as inhabitant of this Town; in case he is not, then any other of my Sons who may be admitted, etc. My 12 children: Henry, George, Sarah or her heirs, Anna, Catherine, Gertraut or her heirs, Elizabeth, Frederic, Hanna, Johny, Peter and Lorenz. Mentions owning 1/4 Grist Mill at Bethania; also 2 tracts of land on Townfork and 500 acres in Western Waters in Mississippi; also house and lotts in Germanton. Executors: Brother, Peter HAUSER, Son-in-law Christian LASH and Son George HAUSER. Witnesses: Jacob LASH and Joseph HAUSER, Jurat. Signed: George HAUSER.

(Mrs. W. O. Absher, STOKES COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WILLS VOLUMES I-IV, 1790-1864 [?] pages 23-24)

Other Houser or Hauser males in this area, Rowan Co., during this time period, were Martin Houser [both sides of Barsheba Creek]

Other Hausers or Howsers in Stokes Co., NC

Stokes Co. DB 1... 9 Dec 1789.. bet. Michael Howser & Peter Howser of Surry Co., Execs. of Michael Howser, decd., and Christian Howser of Surry Co., legatees of the sd. decd... 5 sh.. 200 ac in Surry Co. Stewarts Branch.. waters of Muddy Cr (part of land orig granted by the State to John Howser - from John to Michael)..
Wm. Thornton)
Jos. Howser)
Michel Howser
Peter Howser

(Mrs. W. O. Absher & Mrs. Robert K. Hayes, STOKES COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA RECORD OF DEEDS, VOL. 1 (1787-1793) [North Wilkesboror, NC, n.d.), p. 7)

Michl. Hauswer and Geo. Hauser [genertions unknown] were witnesses to Stokes Co. DB 1, dated 5 Sept 1791 between Henry Shores, Ex. of Frederick Shores, decd. and John Shores... Mill Creek, waters of Muddy Creek adj the Moravian land... Benjamin Milners line... (Absher & Hayes, p. 13)

Submitted by E.W.Wallace


Subject: [NCGEN] Billator
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008

I did a search for Billator family. I came across a timeline for a Haltom family, who had a similar migration trail as the Grace family, it seems. They came from Maryland to the area around Rowan Co., NC.

Here is an excerpt from the Haltom family history which I tripped over on the internet:

Mar. 14, 1785 Surry Co. N.C. Deed Book C, p.199-200: Spencer Altum of Montgomery Co. to Zebedee Billator 70 lbs. 100 acres Stewarts branch adj. Mr. Cosart’s land on northwest. Signed: Spencer (mark) Altum, Ann Altum.


Here is a little additional material:

1785, March 14...Surry Co... NC deed BK C pg 199-200. ...Spencer Altum of Mongomery Co, to Zebedee Billator 70pds. 100 acres Stewarts branch adj. Mr. Cosart's land on northwest. Witnesses: Nathaniel Lash, James Reynolds, William (mark) Garrot. Signed: Spencer (mark) Altum s/Ann Altum. (Note: addition courtesy of Mike Barr)

Ca. 1794, Zebdiel Billiter [sic] was one of several appointed by Stokes County NC court to a jury to straighten the road from Matthew Brooks to Harveys and make report thereof &C &C
QUARTER SESSIONS, VOL. ii, 1793-1795, P. 28]

Wes Patterson note: O. Harvey (possibly an Oney or Onesiphorus Harvey) was one of the witnesses of Samual Stewart's 1768 will.



Oh, I've had some of this since early April after talking to Bo, but other pieces of it I just got today. Bo told me about the Lash name ... That's why I'm researching them.

Have you seen the article about Bowman Gray Jr (actually a chapter from a book, I think) that was posted online by the WS Journal last year? It's at What's interesting is one part that says "Gray wanted a more rural setting, and in 1946 he started buying land in western Forsyth County. By 1949 he had acquired 840 acres and built a Georgian mansion on the property. He called the place Brookberry Farm." Now Bo has said that Jr's brother (Gordon) started buying it first, and then the next year Jr started buying from him, so perhaps he continued adding to it until 1949, when the family moved to the farm.

My thought is that we need start back in the 1940s at when BG Jr bought up the land. Since then it has been in his hands, and then the trust, and then the developer, and some new homeowners such as you. I'm certainly gonna be most interested in who he bought it from, and then tracing back in time who each of those men bought their pieces from, and so on. That will eventually take us back to pre-1849, and we'll then have to start checking the Stokes County records as Forsyth will no longer be any good for us (prior to 1849).

Same is true once we get to 1789, we'll have to start looking in Surry County records, and then prior to 1771 it will be Rowan County records. However, I'm betting that we'll find a lot in Forsyth, Stokes and Surry, given the time frames.

Anyway, I look forward to meeting you tomorrow. See ya then.



The following records shed light on some key issues.
Surry Co. DB C:199-200: 14 Mar 1785 Spencer Altum, Montgomery County, North Carolina, to Zebedee Billator 70 pds 100 ac Stewarts branch adj Mr. Cosart's land on NW. It was signed by Spencer X Altum and Ann Altum. Witnesses: Nathaniel Lash, James Reynolds, William X Garrot

Ca. 1794, Zebdiel Billiter [sic] was one of several appointed by Stokes County NC court to a jury to straighten the road from Matthew Brooks to Harveys and make report thereof &C &C [Carol Leonard Snow, STOKES COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY COURT OF PLEAS & QUARTER SESSIONS, VOL. ii, 1793-1795, P. 28]
In 1785, the eventual Brookberry Farm would have been in Surry Co. By 1794, Stokes Co.

Mr. Billator bought 100 ac on Stewarts Branch in 1785, witnessed by Nathaniel Lash. We know that Nathaniel Lash is [associated with] Brookberry Farm.

Furthermore, one clue is that Stewarts Branch was sometimes called Tomahawk Branch as seen at which tells us "The creek on Samuel's land took his name. Stewart's (also Steward and Stuart) Creek is described as being on the west side of the Wachovia Tract and 'sometimes called Tomahawk Branch.' Stewarts Creek was a northwestern branch of large Muddy Creek."

Additionally, we know that Samuel Stewart's sons (executors) sold his Tomahawk Branch property, 508 acres, to Matthew Brooks in the 1770s. And above, we see that Mr. Billator was appointed to straighten out the road from Matthew Brooks to Harveys. So we know we're dealing with the same Nathaniel Lash and the same Matthew Brooks and the same Stewarts Branch aka Tomahawk Branch. That typically occurred within a region around your own property. shows us that Nathaniel Lash got married around 24 April 1786 in Surry County. shows us another connection between the Lash family and Matthew Brooks:
1792 Jun 7 - Stokes Co., NC - From the Estate of Henry Banner:
We the committee appointed to settle with executor of the estate of Henry Banner deceased have fully examined the several accounts and vouchers find that the four Legatees have each of them received their equal shares being 312 pounds, 2 shillings and 8 and 1/2 pence to each share. It also appears by the within amount that there is a balance of 5 pounds,14 shilllings and 8 pence due to the Legatees to be equally divided. Signed Christian Lash and Matthew Brooks. again this collection of notes shows that Brooks lived near the Lash family and on Stewarts Branch:
Stokes Co., DB 1 11 Sept. 1792 bet. William Elrod and John Krouse.. 200 pds.. 200 ac. Stewarts Branch...Millars corner...Bolejacks (Bulitscheck) and Lashs lines. Carvers line.. (orig. granted to Matthew Brooks and from him to Aquilla Matthews 16 Feb 1787, and from Matthews to sd Elrod 14 Nov 1787)..
Geo. Hauser)
Peter Hauser) William Elrod this page shows a lot of relationships between Matthew Brooks and the Gentry families. Most of the Gentrys lived right along the Yadkin River, west of Brookberry Farm. Matthew Brooks even owned a ferry along the river. Why is this a clue? Brooks obviously had interests closer to the Wachovia Tract (in that he bought land from Sam Stewart). On my website I have notes concerning a William Gentry who was paid by the Moravians to build a bridge across Muddy Creek on the Shallow Ford Rd. This is the bridge [location] on Country Club Rd today!!!! This William Gentry had a son named Claburn Gentry who lived next to a Douthitt, and Douthitt lived next to Samuel Stewart Jr in the 1790s, and his land was also next to Claburn Gentry, and the Wachovia Tract (western border was Muddy Creek). All of this means we're dealing with individuals who had interests not only along the Yadkin but also east of there at Muddy Creek.... which is where Brookberry Farm is.

So what was the relationship of Aggie Brooks Lash (wife of Nathaniel Lash) to Matthew Brooks? Don't know yet. ... they were both born in the 1760s and both died in the 1820s. This almost suggests that Agge / Aggie may have been a granddaughter, or at least a younger daughter of Matthew Brooks.

More later...


The following rec's indicates that George Lash (father of Nathaniel Lash) owned the 100 acres that he sold to Altum in 1771, who then sold it to Billator in 1785, which was then witnessed by Nathaniel Lash, and was on Stewarts Branch.
Spencer Altum originally got this 100 ac from George Lash in 1771, Rowan Co. See "1771, May 3... Rowan County Court Book... Deed from George Lash and his wife to Spencer Altum for 100 acres".
The will of George Lash, Sr. appears in Surry Co., NC, Will Book 3-143 and is dated 15 Jul 1819, but was not proved. The will names his sons: Nathaniel, John, George, James, Harmon. His daughters were Margaret Garner, Elizabeth Lash, Mary Holliman, Susanna Lash, and Nancy Groce. George Groce son of Allen Groce [Grace?] Executors: Christian Lash, John Conrod. Wit: S Speer; Nicklas Bean
Matthew Brooks and George Lash connections:
Surry Co., Record of Estates (1809-1818)
Hauser, George & others - pp. 6, 8
30 Jul 1785 - executors bond w/ Matthew Brooks & George Lash
The above record is big, I think. We know that George Lash's son, Nathaniel Lash, married Aggie Brooks, and both are [associated with] Brookberry Farm. The family is not well documented for Matthew Brooks, but he did have several sons and daughters, that is known.

Here is a Revolutionary War period, actually 1775, document involving both men and their support of the Independence movement:
Proceedings of the Safety Committee in Surry County.

August 25th 1775.

North Carolina
Surry County. }

Committee met according to appointment 25th August 1775.

Present: Benjamin Cleaveland, John Hamlin, Jesse Walton, Samuel Freeman, Benjamin Herndon, Charles Lynch, John Armstrong, James Hampton, Richard Gorde, Augustus Blackburn, James Doke, Matthew Brooks, John Hudsbeth, George Lash, John Snead, Malcom Curry.

Benjamin Cleaveland was elected Chairman.

Resolved, We think proper to Declare our disapprobation and Abhorrance of certain papers by the name of Protests &c., signed and transmitted to Govr Martin in opposition to the common cause of Liberty; some of which Papers contain many Falsehoods and matters of Encouragement to the most wicked Ministers and Tools of Government in their most wicked Measures and designs; the said papers being calculated to Divide the good People of this Province and destroy its internal peace and Occasion the Effusion of Blood.

Resolved, We Determine by all Lawful ways and means to Discountenance and suppress such mischievous and beneful Papers and all such combinations against the common cause of American Liberty;

-------------------- page 229 --------------------
and do our utmost Endeavours to support the Congress in Defending our Just Rights and Liberties.

Resolved, That whatever Britains may claim as their Birth Right we may justly claim as our Birth Right; and that all the Natural Rights of British Subjects are confirmed to us by Charter and the Faith of Kings and the free Constitution of Great Britain and this Province.

Resolved, That those who now would subject all America or this Province to a Dependency on the Parliament of Great Britain are guilty of a very Dangerous Innovation injurious to the Crown and inconsistant with the Liberty of the American Subjects.

Resolved, That by the Law of Nature and the British Constitution no man can be Legally Taxed or have his property taken from him without his consent, given by himself or his Representatives.

Resolved, That the late Acts of the British Parliament for raising a Revenue in America by laying Taxes on us without our Consent and against our Protestation, are Opposite to our Ideas of Property, and inconsistant with the spirit of the Constitution, and does in Fact at one Stroke Deprive this whole Continent of all property; and of their most invaluable Rights and Liberties.

Capt Charles Lynch and Mr William Merridith, Members of the Committee, came in and took their seats.

Resolved, That this Committee highly approve of the Proceedings of the Continental Congress held in Philadelphia in Septr last, and that we will endeavor to carry their Recommendations into Execution.

Resolved, That the Worthy Delegates who represented this Province in said Congress Deserve our warmest and most Grateful thanks for the faithful Discharge of their Office and that Colo Armstrong present them in our names and in behalf of this county.

The Committee Adjourns till to-morrow 7 O'clock.


  1. has some info concerning our Matt Brooks of Stokes Co NC. "Note by R. D. Brooks that appeared in his Book: Cal’s Column says that the Smith County Court met at Fort Blount in Jackson County, Tenn. A correction is in order here. When the new county, Jackson, was first formed, Fort Blount was still in Smith County. Sampson Williams was still the clerk. I have been puzzled for years over why Brook’s Bend property was registered in Smith County instead of in Jackson County. We are indebted to historian, Carmack Key, of Carthage, Tennessee for the explanation. This part of Jackson County remained in Smith until the State Assembly took six miles off Smith county from Ft. Blount toward Defeated Creek in the Summer of 1805. Davidson County ordered Smith County in 1801 to sell 3840 acres of Land that belonged to Land Office Agent, John Armstrong, heirs deceased. The old Indian fighter of German descent, Frederick Stump of Eaton Station of East Nashville bought it for $900.00. Stump, in turn, sold it to old Matthew Brooks, Sr., called “Matt” for $1,300.00. Matt came to Eaton Station in 1801/1802 from Stokes County, North Carolina. In April 1805, Matthew Brooks, Sr., sold the Brooks Bend tract to his sons, the Hollomans, Bingal Crook, and others. Matt sold the last part of the tract to his son in law, Micajah Duke, and that part is know in Smith County today as the “Duke Hollow.” When six mile of territory was taken off Smith, this left Sampson Williams in Jackson County, Tennessee, and a new clerk was then elected for the Smith County Court."

  2. gives more info on Matt Brooks' son-in-law, Micajah Duke. It says "My husband is a direct descendant of Micajah Duke. According to our info, he was born Dec. 24, 1777, in Bute Co., NC. He married his first wife ANN BROOKS (my husband's direct ancestor). They had four children: MATTHEW (our direct ancestor), Agness, Martha, and John. He then married Sally Spivey and had nine children by her, as follows: Mary A. Polly, Charlotte, Jonathan Green, Luther Micajah, Ann Eliza, Richard Spivey, Nancy Eveline, Phillip M., and Samuel Micajah. He then married his third wife, Cynthia Ann Jones, and they had seven more children: Felix Green b. June 9, 1830, Alexander Allison b. July 26, 1832, William L. (Bogus) b. Oct. 9, 1834, Samuel Jones b. May 6, 1837, Wesley Harrison (Tip)b. Oct. 21, 1840, Elizabeth Ann b. April 14, 1843 (After will was written), and Napoleon Clay b. Oct. 28, 1845 (Also born after will was written.) If I can be of any other help, please let me know. Nancy -"

  3. This page has an excellent listing of Micajah Duke's families. It also shows that he died in 1863 in Smith Co, TN.

  4. Possible clues concerning 3 daughters (perhaps) of Matthew Brooks can be found here. It says "On 23 July 1863 R. P. Brooks purchased from Milton Draper a tract of land in Jackson Co. TN in District No. 11, lying in White's Bend of Cumberland River on the south side of said river and north of Flynn's Creek containing about 260 acres excluding the shares of the wife of Elijah Holliman, wife of Peter Teel and wife of W. King in the Dower of the widow of Harvey Hobby (deceased) who had her dower or part thereof on said land seven acres each, they being heirs at law of Matthew Brooks deceased. (R. P. Brooks) took the deed of conveyance of Milton Draper dated July 23, 1823. The tract is bounded by ... the original corner of the Jessee McClelin tract ...J. B. Rogers Spring Flynn's Creek Cumberland River ... the original corner of R. P. Brooks and Milton Draper ...P. McCarver land."

  5. More excellent notes on Micajah "Cagger" Duke and Ann Brooks, and that they married in 1801 in Davison Co TN.

  6. At this time, I think it's possible that Aggie Brooks Lash, if born in the 1760s, may have been an older daughter of Matt Brooks, while Ann was a younger daughter. The other possibility is that Aggie was a younger sister of Matt, but that depends on when he was born, which I am not sure. Either way, I suspect that Angess Duke, granddaughter of Matt Brooks, may have been named after her aunt "Aggie". That is, of course, just a guess.

  7. Just noticed another common name - Holliman. Apparently, one of Matthew Brooks' daughters married an Elijah Holliman, as I documented previously (...wife of Elijah Holliman ...being heirs at law of Matthew Brooks deceased). Furthermore, I now notice that one of the daughters of George Lash Sr (Surry Co NC Will, 1819 - see above timeline) was named Mary Holliman. We also know that George Lash's son Nathaniel Lash married Aggie Brooks, daughter of the aforementioned Matthew Brooks, thus connecting the two families who each had a Holliman marriage.

  8. From Debbie McCann: I'm going to let you borrow my book on Bethania. The first Loesh is listed as one of the original Moravian explorers who came from Bethlehem on August 25, 1752, to find suitable tracts of land. Hermann Loesh was one of them. Nov. 27 entry: "after breakfast, Gottlob, Nathanael, and Jacob Loesh, with Mr. Altem, went to the Black Walnut Bottom, to look over that section." In Oct., 1754, they blazed more than 5 miles of roadway to connect the Pennsylvania Wagon Road and another roadway to the new river." p. 18; Beverly also told me this area used to be known as Brookstown, but was spelled Brux for the Brooks family.Will see what else I can find in the book.


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