Thursday, October 27, 2022

Newfound Church Minutes Book is Here!

The long-awaited book with the church minutes for Newfound Baptist Church from 1802-1865 in Buncombe County NC is now available.

The direct link to the OBCGS eBay store for this book is: Newfound Baptist Church Minutes 1802-1865 by Wes Patterson.

For all books published by the Old Buncombe County Genealogical Society, go to either or

I initially focused on the early years of 1802-1815, but then later expanded to 1865. My Patterson ancestors attended there from 1802-1815, along with many other relatives from the families of Ponder, Black, Harrison, and many others.

Here are some excerpts from the minutes to give you a flavor for what is included:

May the 14th Day 1803 Met according to the appointment & after divine worship proceided to the buisness of the day, 1) the church adops a rule for the members of the church to trade in spiritous liqueors, agreed on that, that no of the church shall trade in liqueors disagreeable to the Sivil Laws of our land, having seen shall not carry Liqueor to any publick places, & Brother Snelson to attend on the Saturday beefor the 2) Sunday in June on Pigeon with five to wit: Daniel Ponder, John Grantham, Nathan Smith, Aaron Freeman & Elijah Lee, & Dalligats apointed for the assosiation to wit: Brother Snelson, John Patitison [John Patterson]; an aligation brought forward against Brother John Kelley laid over tel next meating in course, Brother John Paison [John Patterson] & Brother Hughes to sight him to our next meting. adg [Adjourned].

and a few years later...

March 14th Day 1807. the church [met] according to apointment & after worship proceded to the Buisness of the Day. 1) Recieved John Goldman & his wife Margaret Buy letter, 2) the the minuits of the assosiation red & approbated By the church, 3) Sister Rachel Plemmons aplied & obtained A letter of dismishion & Bro. John Patterson to right said Letter, 4) Agreas that we send A letter & 7 Deligates to the Baptist Conferance the 4th Saturday in Aprile at Cain Creek meeting House, 5) appointed Brother Thomas Worth, Ponder, John Patterson, Longmire & John Grantham Be appointed as formeley to try any Matter of Dealings Between any members of this church before going to Law, 6) this church deligats church to inquire into thear ability to wit: Thomas Snelson, Jehu Wever, Ponder, Woods, Smith, John [Patterson] and Robert Patterson, Black & Freeman, John Pleman [Plemmons], Ingrm [Ingram], John Grantham & Longmire. appointment of members to the confernce is as follows: Thomas Snelson, Ponder, Weever, Smith, Wells, Longmire, Freemon. A D [Adjourned].

I am very proud of this 150 page book, and it is very useful for those researching families of Buncombe Co NC during the early 1800's.


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Thomas Patterson of Buncombe County NC book status

The last three years have been very time consuming with a career change and many life changes. But all is good and writing has resumed on the book pertaining to my Thomas Patterson ancestor and related families. The book is called "Thomas Patterson of Buncombe County NC". 

I am currently working my way through the branches of John Patterson and Margaret Black's family. John was the oldest son of Thomas Patterson and Margaret Harrison. My rough draft has already completed the two older generations, plus the branches of Joseph B. Patterson Sr and George Patterson. Currently working on the branch of Amy Jane Patterson Kincaid. Also yet to work on are Robert Patterson, John Patterson Jr and Amos Patterson.

Thus far, over 800 pages are completed in the book. We'll have to see how much has to be edited out. Hopefully none. Perhaps it will have to be broken into multiple volumes?

More coming...


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