The Patterson and Harrison Farms on Jenkins Branch, West Side of French Broad River near Alexander, NC - Buncombe County
By Wes PattersonLast Revised 06 April 2018
The Harrisons, Blacks, Pattersons, Ponders, and other families that had previously lived in Burke Co NC and York Co SC, began moving in the 1790's into the part of Buncombe Co NC that is about 8 to 10 miles NW of Asheville near the modern town of Alexander. This area is on the west side of the French Broad River along the tributaries known as Turkey Creek, Sandy Mush Creek, Jenkins Branch, and Newfound Creek. Many of these families also attended Newfound Baptist Church which began officially around 1802/03 and currently exists at the town of Leicester, NC.
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Some of the early families to settle here were the Harrisons, Blacks, and Morrows. The Pattersons followed in the late 1790's and the Ponders arrived in the late 1790's or soon after 1800.
The Harrisons were made up of about three or four distinct families that moved into Buncombe, that traced their roots back to siblings who lived in York Co SC during the 1760's through the 1780's and 90's. These siblings were Nathaniel Harrison, Thomas Harrison, and their sisters Margaret and Jane. Nathaniel was married to Rachel, and he passed away in 1783 in York Co SC. His son Joseph Harrison later moved into Buncombe, however. Thomas Harrison had a large family and they moved into Buncombe as well. Margaret Harrison married Thomas Patterson on 24 Dec 1761 in Augusta Co VA at the Peaked Mountain Church, not long before they moved to York Co SC, where they in turn had at least two sons (John and Robert Patterson) who later settled in Buncombe on Jenkins Branch and Turkey Creek, respectively. Jane Harrison married William Cravens. It is possible that some of their family moved into Buncombe, but nothing has been proven in that regard. But there was a James Cravens who recorded a land entry for 150 acres in 1794 "...on a big branch that runs in between Newfound Creek and Turkey Creek." That could have been Jenkins Branch. The Harrisons can trace their roots back to the Isaiah Harrison clan of Long Island NY, Sussex Co DE, and Augusta Co VA.
The Blacks were made up of two primary branches of the family from York Co SC. Matthew Black may have either been a son of Matthew and Mary Black, or perhaps grandson. If the latter, he was a son of Robert Black and Majey Cravens (whose mother was a Harrison). Matthew Black (the younger) married Margaret Ponder, daughter of Daniel and Jemima Ponder. Matthew Black's family later moved to Burke Co NC and then later down to Buncombe. The other branch of the Blacks was of the Joseph Black family, brother to the afore-mentioned Robert Black. Joseph Black married Sarah Patterson, sister of Thomas Patterson. They had several children, including a daughter Margaret, who married John Patterson, son of Thomas. This entire clan moved to Buncombe as well. Key members of the Black clan in Buncombe included George, Robert, and Joseph - sons of Joseph; also, their cousins - sons of Matthew - including John, Reuben, Daniel, another Joseph, another Matthew. A James Black was also in Buncombe by the 1810's and he was another of this overall clan of Blacks from York Co SC.
The Ponders not only included Margaret who married Matthew Black, but also brother Jesse Ponder, and brother Daniel Ponder Jr - who married Elizabeth Patterson, another sister of Thomas Patterson.
The Morrows are a little harder to identify, but there were several Morrow families. Richard Morrow sold land to John Patterson early on and moved further west into Haywood Co NC and then later to KY. A Sarah Morrow married James Patterson, son of Peter. And a James Morrow married Elizabeth Patterson, who seems to have been a daughter of Peter.
So the branches of the Patterson family included Sarah Patterson who married Joseph Black, plus Thomas Patterson who married Margaret Harrison, plus Elizabeth Patterson who married Daniel Ponder Jr, plus Peter Patterson's children and grandchildren. Peter died in York Co SC, but his children soon thereafter moved to Buncombe and then later Haywood Co NC.
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The map above is of the area around modern day Alexander, NC in Buncombe Co. The French Broad River is on the right. The gray shaded area is a tract of 16,000 acres that was obtained by Joseph Hughey that had previously been part of 55,000 acres owned by Mitchell & Davidson. Joseph Hughey was the first Sheriff of Buncombe, beginning 1792. However, he resigned his post as Sheriff in 1795, and his brother James Hughey became the new Sheriff of Buncombe. It is important to know where this tract lies as its southern line is constantly referred to in old Buncombe deeds as Mitchell's & Davidson's line. This helps us pinpoint the approximate locations of several tracts involving key members of these families. On Sept 25, 1797 (Book 5, Page 179), James Hughey as High Sheriff sold this tract of 16,000 acres to Joseph Hughey at a public sale due to unpaid taxes for the year of 1796. Joseph Hughey was the highest bidder at the auction. This deed was proven in open court in April of 1801. I can only suppose that Thomas Patterson had some agreement with Hughey that fell through and thus it was sold by Hughey in 1804.
Thomas Harrison owned 100 acres (Tract #1) next to Richard Morrow (Tract #2). Morrow later sold his 100 acres to John Patterson (presumed nephew of Thomas Harrison) in 1802. Tract #3 was owned by Ezekiel Sandlin who was a son-in-law of Peter Patterson it seems. Sandlin was from York Co SC also, and he apparently led the migration of the Peter Patterson clan. In 1807 he sold Tract #3 to his brother-in-law James Patterson (m. Sarah Morrow).
Thomas Patterson owned Tract #4. He was here in 1800 but no acquisition of the land has been found. Joseph Hughey later sold Thomas' land in 1804, so it had passed into Hughey's possession for some reason. I am not certain if Thomas was buying it from Hughey and then somehow defaulted on it, or died leaving debts? That said, there were at least four subsequent deeds over the next 20 years involving Tract #4 that made reference to "Thomas Patterson's improvement", but what that improvement was is unclear. Was it a home? A public road?
George Black first obtained Tract #5 and then a year later sold it to his cousin Reuben Black, who then sold the same 170 acres to John Patterson in 1805. John's wife was Margaret Black, sister of George Black and cousin of Reuben.
There were several other relatives who owned tracts of land in the vicinity and I am still working to pinpoint the exact location of those tracts, including Daniel Ponder's two tracts and Robert Patterson's Turkey Creek tract. However, the five tracts shown above are very close to their exact locations, and all five were owned by families who were somehow related to one another.
Details on the Buncombe Deeds in Question
Harrisons (there are more than these, but this includes all of the earliest ones)
- S1-6-230. 6 December 1799 State of North Carolina Grant #706 to John Harrison, 100 acres on French Broad River. Recorded: 13 January 1802
- 03-430. 2 December 1807 State of North Carolina Grant #1677 to Nathan Harrison, 100 acres on Sandy Mush Creek. Entered: 1807. Recorded: 29 January 1808
- 03-432. 2 December 1807 State of North Carolina Grant #1675 to Nathan Harrison, 300 acres on Sandy Mush Creek Smith Branch. Land entered 1806. Recorded: 5 February 1808
- 07-654. 19 January 1808 Ezekiel John to John Harrison for (not recorded), 50 acres on Turkey Creek where Ezekiel John now lives. Recorded: 19 March 1808 in open court without witnesses [WP: Ezekiel John a son-in-law of Thomas Harrison; John Harrison of son of Thomas Harrison.]
- 08-347. 22 March 1802 Jacob Keller to Thomas Harrison for $80, 100 acres on Turkey Creek adjacent to Thomas Harrison’s own property. Witnesses: Nathan Harrison, Robert Harrison. Recorded: 26 June 1805
- 10-085. 14 January 1805 John Harrison to Millaton. Reynolds for $150, 100 acres on West side French Broad River above Davis Ferry where John Harrison now lives. Witnesses: Daniel Jarrett Sr. and Moses Jarrett. Originally entered 1799 by NC Grant to John Harrison. Recorded: Date Unknown
- 10-152. 22 October 1805 James Murphey to Thomas Harrison for $130, 125 acres on West fork of Turkey Creek. Witnesses: A. Ferguson and Saml Vance
- 10-416. Not Given Thomas Harrison to William Erwin, 125 acres on Turkey Creek. Recorded: Not Given
- A-008. 2 July 1806 Joseph Harrison Sr to William Harrison, 200 acres on Sandy Mush Creek for $100. Witnesses: Joshua Williams. Recorded: Not Known
- A-117. 21 October 1806 Thomas Harrison to William Erwin Jr., 200 acres on Turkey Creek. Recorded: 25 March 1807
- A-509. 1 December 1806 Thomas Harrison to John Plemmons for $400, 100 acres ….beginning some distance from French Broad River, …east to…, ….near Richard Morrow's line. Witnesses: John Patterson, Clem Davis. Recorded: 4 March 1808 (Tract #1)
- B-222. 27 November 1804 Thomas Harrison to Joseph Harrison, west side North fork of Turkey for $80, 100 acres where Mr. Harrison now lives. Witnesses: Ezekiel John. Recorded: 20 November 1809
- B-232. 10 December 1803 State of North Carolina Grant #1103 to Joseph Harrison, 200 acres on Sandy Mush Creek adjacent Erwin’s line. Recorded: 30 April 1805
- C-133. 5 October 1809 Ezekiel John to John Morrow, 116 acres on Waters of Turkey Creek; John Dillard's corner, running north with said Dillard's line, …, East to a stake at John Harrison's corner…. Witnesses: James Gudger & George Black. Recorded: 30 October 1810
- C-216. 31 December 1810 Joseph Harrison to David Erwin for $110, 100 acres on North Fork Turkey Creek. Originally Jarrett Grant 1797 to Jacob Keler to Thomas Harrison to Joseph Harrison. Witnesses: M. Henry. Recorded: 1 February 1811
- C-291. 2 April 1811 Nathan Harrison to William King for $150, 100 acres on Smith Branch Sandy Mush Creek. Witnesses: Thomas Forster, Richard Wilson. Recorded: 1 May 1811
- C-314. 2 April 1811 Nathan Harrison to William King for $200, 300 acres on Smith Branch Sandy Mush Creek. Witnesses: Thomas Forster, Richard Wilson. Recorded: 20 May 1811
- D-097. 29 September 1810 Clement Davis to Joseph Harrison for £250, 100 acres on Turkey Creek including the mill and plantation where Davis now lives. Witnesses: James Gudger, Nathaniel Harrison. Recorded: 15 November 1811 [WP: Clem Davis married to a Plemmons, and neighbor of Robert Patterson.]
- D-122. 25 January 1811 Reason Davis to Nathaniel Harrison for £50, 100 acres on Turkey Creek. Witnesses: Clem Davis and John Harrison. Recorded: 2 December 1811
- D-127. 25 January 1811 Reason Davis to Joseph Harrison, 50 acres on Turkey Creek adjacent to Herman Davis. Witnesses: Clement Davis, John Harrison. Recorded: 16 December 1811
- D-176. 26 February 1811 Mathew Cunningham to Jeremiah Harrison for $200, 100 acres on South Fork Turkey Creek adjacent Lane's old line, Vance. Witnesses: John Pride, Isaac Garmon. Original grant to James Reddick in 1803. Recorded: 10 February 1812
- D-260. 8 October 1811 William Sharp & John McNitt Alexander of Mecklenburg to Nathan Harrison for $80, 100 acres on Sandy Mush Creek 3 miles from the mouth of the Creek. Witnesses: Wm. M. Erwin for Mr. Sharp, H. Chambers. Recorded: 11 April 1813
- E-058. 31 October 1806 Thomas Harrison to Osburn Ball for $30, 50 acres on Bee Branch. Witnesses: Ezekiel John and John Harrison. Recorded: 22 April 1812. (Note from Betty Jo Hulse and/or Charles W Johnson MD: Bee Branch is in eastern Buncombe and one of the first areas settled... I would like to know when Thomas acquired this. I expect it was in Burke County when he got it and most Burke County deeds burned. Ezekiel John probably son in law and John Harrison a son. John Harrison had his own household with wife and family 1800 Census).
- G-243. 2 January 1812 John Davis to John Harrison for $400, 200 acres on West side French Broad River about 5 poles above the Ferry landing and including the Ferry landing. Witnesses: Sam'l Frisbee, John Longmire. Recorded: Not Known
- 11-301. 4 January 1816 Robert Haley to Nathaniel Harrison, 100 acres on Turkey Creek. Recorded: 28 July 1819
- 11-305. 17 February 1816 John Harrison to Peter Miller for $400, 150 acres on West side French Broad River and Bridge Branch. Witnesses: Peter Miller, Samuel Frisbee. Recorded: 3 August 1819
- 11-380. 18 March 1816 John Harrison to Zachariah Candler for $100, 50 acres on West bank French Broad River including John Davis Sr. ferry landing and apple orchard. Witnesses: Henry Carter and John Harrison Jr. Recorded: 25 August 1819
- 12-271. 8 March 1816 James Patterson of Buncombe to Reubin Black of same, 70 acres adjacent Abraham Jones, … Ridley Pence's corner … . Witnesses: Nathaniel Harrison & Jane Harrison. Recorded: Date Unknown
- 12-351. 1 March 1818 James Patterson of Buncombe to Reubin Black of same, 60 acres on West side French Broad River, including part of John Patterson's land. Witnesses: Nathaniel Harrison & Jane Harrison. Recorded: Date Unknown
- 024. 25 May 1794 James Cravens enters 150 acres on a big branch that runs in between Newfound Creek and Turkey Creek where "the" old trail crosses said branch; border: about forks of said branch and runs down both sides; £2.15.8
- 787. 20 July 1795 John Page enters 100 acres in Buncombe County; border: begins on Thos "Forsters" upper line and runs up James Craven's North line.
- 03-030. 30 September 1795 James Cravans to Peter Lee, 200 acres on Beaverdam Creek. Recorded: 2 January 1796 [WP: Beaverdam Creek is on the east side of French Broad River south of Newfound Creek, so this is not the same tract as the 150 acres that ran between Newfound and Turkey Creeks above.]
- 04-657. 2 August 1802 Richard Morrow to John Patterson, 100 acres on West side French Broad River, between mouth of NewFound and Sandy Mush on Jenkin's Branch, runs north… . Witnesses: Daniel Ponder, James Morrow & Andrew Patterson. Proven by Daniel Ponder. Recorded: July 1803 (Tract #2)
- 10-055. 15 April 1805 Reuben Black to John Patterson, 170 acres same land that Reuben Black bought from George Black in the year 1802 (Book 03-363) … originally granted to Thomas Davidson & Mark Mitchell on the west side of French Broad River, … west side of a stoney ridge on Davidson's & Mitchell's old line … . Witnesses: John Crownover & Isaac Miles. Recorded: 1805 (Tract #5)
- 10-083. -- 1805 Joseph Hughey to Robert Patterson, 100 acres on West side French Broad River, upper side Turkey Creek … . Recorded: Date Unknown
- A-509. 1 December 1806 Thomas Harrison to John Plemmons for $400, 100 acres ….beginning some distance from French Broad River, …east to…, ….near Richard Morrow's line. Witnesses: John Patterson, Clem Davis. Recorded: 4 March 1808 [WP: In 1806, the tract described as Richard Morrow's line was in possession of John Patterson already.] (Tract #1)
- B-017. 16 January 1804 Joseph Hughey to Caty Roberts, 50 acres West side French Broad River, including Thomas Patterson's improvement, beginning at a white oak George Black's corner on a ridge and runs north 25 degrees west 70 poles to a stake, then south 29 degrees west 100 poles to a post oak then south 52 degrees east 88 poles to a pine, then north 70 degrees east 22 poles to a Spanish oak then north 9 degrees east 90 poles to the place of beginning containing 50 acres the same being part of a large tract of land originally granted to Thomas Davidson and Mark Mitchel... Witnesses: Neily Patton & John Acton. Recorded: 2 June 1808 [WP: In 1804, George Black's corner was the 170 acre tract that he later sold to Reuben Black who then sold to John Patterson, son of Thomas Patterson.] (Tract #4)
- B-224. 29 August 1809 Clement Davis to Reason Davis, 100 acres on … lower side, running south on Turkey Creek. Witnesses: John Plemons & John Patterson. Recorded: 23 November 1809
- E-136. 31 December 1810 Robert Patterson to Joseph Black (Blact), 100 acres on upper side of Turkey Creek and West side of French Broad River, granted to Joseph Black. Witnesses: John Patterson & James Patterson. Recorded: 5 August 1812
- E-154. 8 December 1808 John Patterson to James Patterson, 20 acres on West side French Broad River. Signed: John Patterson Sr. Witnesses: John Plemons, John Patterson. Recorded: 22 August 1812 [WP: The witness John Patterson most likely was John Marion Patterson, younger brother of James, both of who were sons of Peter Patterson. James and John were 1st cousins of this John Patterson "Sr".] (part of Tract #5)
- E-155. 12 May 1807 Ezekiel Sandlin to James Patterson, 70 acres … Newfound Creek, joins George Black and Thomas Patterson's lands …, beginning on a ridge Black's corner running east to Thomas Patterson's corner …. . Witnesses: John Love & Daniel Ponders. Recorded: 22 August 1812 (Tract #3)
- G-021. 7 July 1812 Joseph Hughey to John Black, 50 acres West side French Broad River beginning on a stake Robert Patterson's old line and runs west to a pine on said old line … then east … on the side of a hill, … east to … an old hollow, … west to a stake near a branch … west … near some large rocks …. . Witnesses: Thomas Forster & William Forster. Recorded: 4 December 1813
- G-157. 3 August 1812 Katie Roberts of Jefferson County, Tennessee to James Patterson of Buncombe, 50 acres, same tract she bought from Joseph Hughey on 16 January 1804, on West side of French Broad River including Thomas Patterson's improvement. Signed: Caty Roberts (X). Witnesses: Joseph Black, jurat, Jeremiah Holliday (X). Recorded: 12 May 1814 (Tract #4)
- H-003. 21 November 1810 Joseph Warren to Reuben Black, 200 acres on West side French Broad River beginning on the bank of said river, … then south, … then west … on the west side of a ridge, … then north to a stake at the said river near the mouth of Flat Creek then south … to the beginning … . Witnesses: John Patterson & David Tumbleson. Proved in Court by John Patterson. Recorded: 17 October 1815
- 11-053. 15 May 1815 John Patterson of Buncombe to Abram Pence of same, 100 acres on Newfound Creek, same land that John Patterson bought from Richard Morrow on 2 August 1802 ... . Witnesses: Daniel Ponder & John Ponder. Proven July 1817 by Daniel Ponder. Recorded: 24 June 1818 (Tract #2)
- 11-053. 3 November 1815 John Patterson to Abram Pence, 49 acres on Sandy Mush Creek. Recorded: Date Unknown (part of Tract #5)
- 11-103. 5 March 1816 James Patterson to Daniel Black, 50 acres on French Broad River, includes Thomas Patterson’s improvement … . Witnesses: John Black & Rheuben Black. Recorded: Date Unknown (Tract #4)
- 12-271. 8 March 1816 James Patterson of Buncombe to Reubin Black of same, 70 acres adjacent Abraham Jones, … Ridley Pence's corner … . Witnesses: Nathaniel Harrison & Jane Harrison. Recorded: Date Unknown (Tract #3)
- 12-351. 1 March 1818 James Patterson of Buncombe to Reubin Black of same, 60 acres on West side French Broad River, including part of John Patterson's land. Witnesses: Nathaniel Harrison & Jane Harrison. Recorded: Date Unknown (part of Tract #5)
- 12-504. 26 July 1819 Joseph Black to Zechariah Candler, 300 acres on Forks of Sandy Mush and French Broad River, joining Jesse Freeman's line on the north and west and south, joins James Ensley on the north and east and south, including improvements made by Joseph Black, joins Robert Haley on the north … . Witnesses: Joseph Patterson & John Ponder. Recorded: 7 August 1821
- 14-249. 7 October 1822 Attorney John Phillips et al of Lexington County, Kentucky representing David & Peggy McCluskey to George Black of Buncombe, 150 acres on West side French Broad River and Jenkins Branch … . Witnesses: John Jarrett & Joseph Patterson. Recorded: 3 October 1827
- 15-109. 30 April 1819 Reuben Black to George Black, 200 acres on Jenkins Branch. Witnesses: Hedgeman Triplett & John Patterson. Recorded: 26 August 1828
- 17-096. 29 October 1817 Daniel Black of Buncombe to Mathew Black of same, 50 acres west side French Broad River, including Thomas Patterson's improvement… . Witnesses: John Black & Levi Miles. Recorded: 18 December 1832 (Tract #4)
- 21-480. 24 April 1820 John Patterson of Haywood County, North Carolina to James Black of Buncombe County, 100 acres on French Broad River. Witnesses: John Black & Matthew Black. Recorded: 30 May 1839 (part of Tract #5)
Ponders (there are more than these, but this includes all of the ones around Alexander, NC and the earliest ones on Gabriels Creek further north)
- 07-080. 16 October 1801 George Black to Daniel Ponder (Pounders) for $250, 150 acres on west side of French Broad River between the mouth of Newfound and Sandy Mush on Jenkins Branch, granted to John Davidson #455 on 31 August 1798 (Warrant 11 September 1798). Recorded: Date Unknown
- 08-180. 17 July 1802 William Hunter of Buncombe to Daniel Ponder of same, planter for $50, land on West side French Broad River, between mouth of NewFound and Sandy Mush on Jenkin's Branch, … a tract of land that the said Ponders now lives on ... originally granted to said Hunter entered 8 November 1791. Witnesses: Jonathan Hicks. Acknowledged: July 1804
- H-078. 9 September 1814 John Holcombe Sr. to Joseph Ponder, 140 acres on Gabriels Creek. Recorded: 26 August 1815
- H-256. 8 December 1815 State of North Carolina Grant #2207 to Robert Ponder, 50 acres on Gabriels Creek. Recorded: Not Given
- Pat Saupe. 8 December 1815 State of North Carolina Grant #2281 to Robert Ponder, 50 acres on both sides of Gabriels Creek adjacent land he now lives on, entered 4 January 1814. Recorded: Not Given
- 11-519. 28 February 1817 Robert Ponder, Joseph Ponder and Robert Haley, planters of Buncombe to Henry Addington planter of same for $565, 2 tracts on the west side of French Broad River between the mouth of Newfound and Sandy Mush on Jenkins Branch; (1) originally granted to John Davidson #455 on 31 August 1798; (2) originally granted to Will Hunter entered 8 November 1791. Signed: Robert Haley, John Ponder, Robert Ponder, Joseph Ponder (mark). Witnesses: Jabey Jarvis, May Holcombe. Proved: July 1818 by May Holcombe. Recorded: 22 March 1820
Blacks (there are more than these, but this includes all of the earliest ones)
- 03-231. 16 July 1799 John Davidson to George Black, ?acres Between the mouth of Newfound & Sandy Mush on Jenkins Branch, west side of French Broad River … . Recorded: Date Unknown
- 03-363. 1802 George Black to Reuben Black, 170 acres on French Broad River & Newfound Creek, same land that Joseph Hughey sold to George Black on 20 October 1801. Recorded: April 1802 (Tract #5)
- 04-331. 31 August 1798 State of North Carolina Grant #415 to Robert Black, 150 acres on French Broad River. Recorded: Date Unknown.
- 04 604. 19 December 1800 State of North Carolina Grant #894 to John Black, 200 acres on both sides French Broad River near John Spur's land … .Recorded: Date Unknown.
- 04-645. 19 August 1795 John Davidson to George Black, 100 acres on west side French Broad River, south side of Newfound Creek, beginning on east side of the creek, on a ridge, runs west …, crossing the creek, …. then south …, east …, north … . Recorded: July 1803
- 07-078. 20 October 1801 Joseph Hughey to George Black, 170 acres on French Broad River & Newfound Creek. Recorded: Date Unknown (Tract #5)
- 07-080. 16 October 1801 George Black to Daniel Ponder (Pounders) for $250, 150 acres on west side of French Broad River between the mouth of Newfound and Sandy Mush on Jenkins Branch, granted to John Davidson #455 on 31 August 1798 (Warrant 11 September 1798). Recorded: Date Unknown
- 07-123. Unknown Date Joseph Hughey to George Black, 150 acres on French Broad River, West. Recorded: Date Unknown.
- 07-205. 19 February 1801 John Black to Joel Starkey, 30 acres on Southeast side of French Broad River, Spur's line … . Recorded: Date Unknown
- 09-173 10 September (year unknown) Polly Ragsdale to George Black, 50 acres on Dicks Creek … crosses Big Branch of Newfound Creek … . Recorded: Date Unknown
- 10-055. 15 April 1805 Reuben Black to John Patterson, 170 acres same land that Reuben Black bought from George Black in the year 1802 (Book 03-363) … originally granted to Thomas Davidson & Mark Mitchell on the west side of French Broad River, … west side of a stoney ridge on Davidson's & Mitchell's old line … . Witnesses: John Crownover & Isaac Miles. Recorded: 1805 (Tract #5)
- E-136. 31 December 1810 Robert Patterson to Joseph Black (Blact), 100 acres on upper side of Turkey Creek and West side of French Broad River, granted to Joseph Black. Witnesses: John Patterson & James Patterson. Recorded: 5 August 1812.
- E-140. 5 July 1812 Joseph Black to Robert Haley, 100 acres. Recorded: 6 August 1812
- E-186. 10 December 1803 State of North Carolina Grant #1280 to John Black and Jonathan Graham, 200 acres West side French Broad River, top of ridge, near Samuel King's line, both sides King's Creek … Recorded: 21 October 1812.
- E-211. 14 October 1807 John Davidson to George Black, 50 acres … Ragsdale's corner... Witnesses: Jacob Keler & John Duncan. Recorded: 18 November 1812
- 11-174. 27 February 1814 Reuben Black of Buncombe to Zechariah Candler of same, 200 acres on Flat Creek …, formerly owned by Joseph Warren... Witnesses: Reubin Phillips & John Davis. Recorded: 12 October 1818.
- 11-268. 25 November 1818 State of North Carolina Grant #2344 to Joseph Black, 300 acres on Sandy Mush Creek. Recorded: 25 July 1819
- 11-420. 27 February 1817 George Black to Zechariah Candler, 150 acres on West side of French Broad River, both sides Jenkins Branch, including Reuben Black's old place... Witnesses: Reubin Phillips & Reubin Black. Recorded: 6 September 1819
- 11-505. 20 August 1812 Joseph Hughey of Buncombe County, North Carolina to Robert Black of Burke County, North Carolina, 50 acres, both sides of Jenkins Branch, … Reubin Black's SW corner, then north …, then south …, west …, Walton's line …, east to Daniel Ponder's line, then north …, crossing said branch …, north to Nathaniel Randolph's line, SW to Reuben Black's line ... . Witnesses: Z. Candler. Recorded: 30 September 1819
- S1-6-267. 1 September 1800 State of North Carolina Grant #800 to Richard Morrow, 100 acres on …large branch called Jenkin's Branch running into the French Broad River". Recorded: 12 April 1802 (Tract #2)
- 04-657. 2 August 1802 Richard Morrow to John Patterson, 100 acres on West side French Broad River, between mouth of NewFound and Sandy Mush on Jenkin's Branch, runs north… . Witnesses: Daniel Ponder, James Morrow & Andrew Patterson. Proven by Daniel Ponder. Recorded: July 1803 (Tract #2)
- 09-261. 10 December 1803 State of North Carolina Grant #1101 to John Morrow, 100 acres on French Broad River. Recorded: 5 July 1805
- A-509. 1 December 1806 Thomas Harrison to John Plemmons for $400, 100 acres ….beginning some distance from French Broad River, …east to…, ….near Richard Morrow's line. Witnesses: John Patterson, Clem Davis. Recorded: 4 March 1808 [WP: by this date, the tract referred to as Richard Morrow's line, was now in John Patterson's possession.] (Tract #1)
- C-115. 30 November 1809 State of North Carolina Grant #1807 to John Morrow, 150 acres Branch of Jenkins Branch - Reuben Black's corner. Recorded: 27 September 1810
- C-133. 5 October 1809 Ezekiel John to John Morrow, 116 acres on Waters of Turkey Creek; John Dillard's corner, running north with said Dillard's line, …, East to a stake at John Harrison's corner…. Witnesses: James Gudger & George Black. Recorded: 30 October 1810
- C-169. 2 October 1810 Hezekiah Allen to Joseph M. Morrow, 50 acres …on a branch of Newfound Creek running into the north side of said creek a little below Benjamin Gudger's land…, …West side of Gudger's land… . Witnesses: John Hays & Daniel Pleming. Recorded: 26 November 1810
- C-177. 2 October 1810 Hezekiah Allen to Joseph M. Morrow, 50 acres Newfound Creek. Recorded: 16 December 1810
- C-269. 16 June 1810 Humphrey Williams to James Morrow, 80 acres …on both sides of Newfound Creek…, David Roger's line, east to Joseph Sorrell's old line, … . Witnesses: Jonathan Hicks & Robert Morrow. Recorded: 12 March 1811
- 11-026 31 August 1811? Thomas Plemmons to James Morrow, 100 acres on …small branch that empties into Newfound Creek … Johny Williams' line … . Witnesses: Johnathan Hicks & Joseph M. Morrow. Recorded: 22 June 1818
- 11-052. 22 February 1816 James Morrow of Haywood County, North Carolina to David Cole, 60 acres … both sides of Newfound Creek … Rogers' line … . Witnesses: James Gudger & Joseph Cole. Recorded: 23 June 1818