Thursday, October 22, 2009

Turner - Patterson Reunion

Each year on the 3rd Sunday of October there is a reunion in north Ga at a church attended by many Pattersons and Turners who are "very related", shall we say. Many Turner-Patterson marriages occurred over the years.

I am working with Stan Turner and now also a Roger Turner to see if I (we) can determine where their ancestor (John Patterson Jr - married Sarah "Sallie" Hicks) is buried. John Jr died in Union Co Ga in 1854. In 1850, his mother, Margaret Black Patterson, was living with him. However, she was also recorded with her oldest son, Joseph B Patterson, that same year.

Joseph and John Jr lived several miles apart I think, and the modern county border b/w Union and Fannin counties ran b/w their farms. Where did they live exactly? Where did their parents live, more importantly to me. I descend from George Patterson, younger brother of Joseph and John Jr. I believe there to be one or more family cemeteries on their farms that I would like to one day find.


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