Thursday, March 18, 2010

Burke Co NC Records

I need to get to Burke county and go through their records. So many of the families who ended up in Buncombe county around my Pattersons on Jenkins Branch were families who had spent the last decade or two in Burke Co.

Also, there was a Benjamin Patterson who received a land grant in Burke in 1792. I need to find out more about him. Was he a brother of my John?

1 comment:

  1. apparently on ancestry people are still guessing margaret patterson maiden name as donald even though u have its not.also when u look up her on ancestry and family search people have her linked to the 2nd president.john adams.was her 2nd husband.before he married abigail smith in 1764.i looked everything up and who ever put the info up on ancestry had his parents wrong i fixed it on my tree.same with abigail adams parents and john quincy adams people had david quincy adams as his father that to wasnt correct.john q adams is marked on my ancestry tree as my step 8th great uncle.and there is harrison adams marriages as well.i ask a massuettes historical sociey about the linage


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