Robert Patterson of Linville Creek: Timeline of Recorded Events
Bio | His Mark R | 1775 Will | Timeline | Sussex DE | Augusta VA | York SC | Thomas JeffersonBy Wes Patterson (Last Revised: 21 August 2018)
The following index shows (in summary form) the list of proven recorded events that refer to this Robert Patterson. I have a document that I have written that contains all of the details for each event, as well. But those details are not posted here online due to the sheer volume.
There are many other recorded events for a Robert Patterson in most of the same locations that are NOT this Robert. The details of each of these events listed here are enough to prove the identity of this Robert, based on location (creek name) or other people (neighbors and relatives) or his "R" mark. I still expect more to be found in time.
23 July 2018 Update
Index of Events
- (DE) 7 November 1732, Matthew Ozbon Jr. to Robert Patterson, 106 acres South side Pemberton’s Branch, a branch of Broadkill Creek.
- (DE) 7 November 1732, Matthew Ozbon Jr. to Thomas Black, 106 acres South side Pemberton’s Branch, bounded by Robert Patterson, a branch of Broadkill Creek.
- (DE) November 1737, To Robt. Patterson, 6 Squirrels 1 shilling.
- (DE) 7 March 1738, Robert Patterson, and wife, Sarah, to John, Isaac and Jonah Dunton, 106 acres South side Pembertons Branch.
- (VA) 15 November 1739, Robert Patterson 230 acres.
- (VA) 3 November 1740, Robert Patterson, a child baptized named Abigail.
- (VA) 12 November 1740, Robert Patterson 230 acres.
- (VA) 3 September 1744, Will of Margaret _____ Patterson Adams [Robert Patterson was son and heir].
- (VA) 10 December 1744, William Wright vs. Thomas Linville. Order by William Wright's, Robert Patterson to collect account.
- (VA) 11 March 1745, William Wright vs. Thomas Linville. Writ. Thomas Linville told Robert Patterson that he had paid William Wright.
- (DE) 23 September 1746, John, Isaac and Jonah Dunton to Ephraim Darby, 106 acres formerly owned by Robert Paterson.
- (VA) 26 July 1748, Charles Diver 400 acres between Daniel Harrison's mill and Robt. Patterson's.
- (VA) 1 September 1748, Robert Patterson was buyer at sale of estate of Joseph Harrison.
- (DE) 2 September 1748, Ephraim Darby to Jacob White, 106 acres formerly owned by Robert Paterson.
- (VA) 5 September 1749, Samuel Stewart, 180 acres middle Branch of Linwells Creek adjacent Robert Patterson.
- (VA) 28 November 1750, Robert Craven, Robert Patterson, Jeremiah Harrison and Daniel Harrison appraise the Estate of Charles Gallagor.
- (VA) 13 November 1751, Robt. Greeg 100 acres line of Robt. Pattersons.
- (VA) 30 November 1751, Robert Patterson attended 8 days as evidence for Samuel Stewart in Abraham Hite vs. Samuel Stewart.
- (VA) 25 September 1753, Ephraim Love 100 acres between Gallacker & Patterson.
- (VA) 19 December 1753, Robert Patterson 265 acres head branch Linvels Creek.
- (VA) 21 January 1754, Robt. Patterson 100 acres South side own land; 100 acres joining Campbell, Herdman, Hits & own land.
- (DE) 7 February 1754, Ann White to James Chipman, 106 acres formerly owned by Robert Patterson.
- (VA) 1753/54, Robert Pattison among petitioners for road.
- (VA) 20 March 1754, Benjamin Copeland's appraisement ordered [Robert Patterson one of the appraisers].
- (VA) 29 May 1754, Benjamin Copeland's appraisement [Robert Patterson one of the appraisers].
- (VA) 8 November 1754, Robert Patterson among petitioners against John O’Neal.
- (VA) 4 February 1755, Robt. Roulston 400 acres NW corner Robt. Patterson.
- (VA) 7 February 1755, Thomas Gordon 180 acres head of Linvels Creek joining Robt. Patterson.
- (VA) 12 February 1755, Robert Patterson 75 acres Linvels Mill Creek So. Side own land.
- (VA) 28 February 1755, Robt. Ralston 200 acres between Patterson, Gordons & own line head of Linvils Creek.
- (VA) 15 March 1755, Appraisal estate of Benjamin Copeland [Robert Patterson one of the creditors].
- (VA) 4 July 1755, Joseph Wright to Thomas Waddell 400 acres Branch of North Fork Shanandoe. Witnesses: John Archer, Robert Patterson, Joseph Reburn (mark).
- (VA) 17 March 1756, Joseph Wright to Thomas Waddell 400 acres Branch of North Fork Shanandoe. Proved: Robert Patterson.
- (DE) 6 May 1756, James Chipman to John Clowes Junr, 106 acres formerly owned by Robert Patterson.
- (DE) 8 February 1758, Benjamin Chipman and Elizabeth Chipman to John Clowes, 106 acres formerly owned by Robert Patterson.
- (VA) 16 August 1758, William Woods’ appraisement ordered [Robert Patterson one of the appraisers].
- (VA) 14 September 1758, Robert Patterson listed in “The 1758 Act for the Defense of the Frontiers of this Colony”.
- (VA) 17 November 1758, Robert Patterson creditor of Benj. Copeland's estate.
- (VA) 22 November 1758, John Harvie vs Robert Patterson. Robert Patterson summoned to court by mistaken identity.
- (VA) 7 July 1763, Thomas Gordon 180 acres head of Linwells Mill Creek adjacent Robert Pattison.
- (VA) 1 November 1763, Peaked Mountain Church collections for 1762 – Robert Peterson.
- (VA) 27 June 1764, Robert Patterson 265 acres head branch of Linvells Creek.
- (NC) 22 March 1766, Robert Patterson 200 acres Clarks fork of Bullocks Creek surveyed.
- (VA) 11 August 1766, Samuel Stuart and Lydia to Jacob Coplin 153 acres South Fork of Linvells Creek Patterson’s line.
- (NC) 4 February 1767, James Scott 200 acres southward of Robert Pettersons surveyed.
- (NC) 22 April 1767, Robert Patterson 200 acres Clarks fork of Bullocks Creek grant.
- (NC) 25 April 1767, James Scott 200 acres southward of Robert Pettersons grant.
- (VA) 18 November 1767, Andrew Johnston, and Thom. Bowyer direct me [Thomas Jefferson] on behalf of themselves and John Madison junr. to enquire if a patent has issued to Robert Patterson.
- (VA) 22 November 1767, Johnston v. Patterson.
- (VA) 14 December 1767, Andw. Ewin 50 acres joining Pattersons land.
- (VA) 26 January 1768, Johnston v. Patterson.
- (VA) 13 February 1768, Johnston v. Patterson.
- (VA) 16 March 1768, Daniel Smith (Augusta) v. Robert Patteson (Carolina).
- (VA) 7 May 1768, Smith v. Patteson.
- (VA) 19 May 1768, Smith v. Patteson.
- (VA) 17 June 1768, Johnston v. Patterson – (crossed out).
- (VA) 6 July 1768, Johnston v. Patterson.
- (VA) 15 November 1768, Smith v. Patteson.
- (VA) 23 November 1768, John Brown 73 acres joining Robert Patterson.
- (VA) 12 December 1769, Johnson v. Patterson.
- (VA) 12 December 1769, Smith v. Patteson.
- (VA) 26 May 1769, Smith v. Patteson.
- (VA) 20 June 1769, Smith v. Patteson.
- (VA) 29 July 1769, Johnston v. Patterson.
- (VA) 25 December 1769, Johnston v. Patterson.
- (VA) 1 February 1770, Robert Patterson’s Disclaimer of rights to mother’s property.
- (VA) c. 1 March 1770, John Madison Junr v. Mary Adams [aka Margaret Adams], refers to Smith v. Patterson case.
- (VA) 22 March 1770, Smith v. Patterson.
- (VA) 17 April 1770, Daniel Smith v. Samuel Adams, refers to Patterson in property of Margaret Adams.
- (VA) 13 May 1770, Smith v. Patterson.
- (VA) 13 July 1770, Smith v. Patterson.
- (VA) 23 August 1770, Smith v. Patterson.
- (VA) 23 November 1770, Johnston v. Patterson.
- (VA) 3 August 1771, Thomas Gordon 345 acres adjacent Robert Pattison.
- (VA) 23 September 1771, Andrew Ewine 13 acres joining Robert Patterson.
- (VA) 11 December 1771, Michl. Archdacom 100 acres joining Pattersons well place.
- (VA) 4 March 1774, Robert Patterson to Robert Cravens and Henry Ewin tract known as “Well Place”.
- (SC) 15 May 1775, Petitioners from “South Carolina” to the King, regarding lands that were formerly Tryon Co., NC.
- (SC) 21 July 1775, Will of Robert Patterson.
- (SC) 3 November 1775, Will of Robert Patterson first probate.
- (VA) 10 April 1781, John Brown 73 acres adjacent Robert Patterson.
- (VA) 10 April 1781, John Brown assignee of Robert Patterson 75 acres South Side Robert Pattersons patent land.
- (VA) 5 January 1782, Solomon Mathews 130 acres adjoining Paterson.
- (VA) 25 June 1787, Robert Patterson and Peter Patterson to John Ewing 265 acres patented to Robert Patterson deceased.
- (SC) 4 February 1791, Will of Robert Patterson final probate.
- (SC) 13 July 1797, Peter Patterson to Malcolm Henry 62 acres originally granted to Robert Patterson Senior deceased.
- (SC) 5 August 1801, Malcolm Henry to Peter Galloway 62 acres originally granted to Robert Patterson Senr deceased.
- (SC) 6 June 1802, Robert Wallace to John Wallace 150 acres originally granted to Robert Cravens and from said Cravens conveyed to Robert Patterson deceased.
- (SC) [No month no day] 1813, Daniel Ponder to Peter Galloway 70 acres part of survey granted to Robert Patterson.
- (VA) 20 October 1825, John D. Ewin et al to William Ewin, part of tract known as “Well Place” granted to Robert Rolston sold to Robert Patterson sold to Robert Cravens and Henry Ewin 4 March 1774.