Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Peter Patterson of York Co SC

The following email was sent to Harald Reksten, a fellow descendant of Robert "R" Patterson, who died in York Co SC in 1775. I descend from Robert's oldest son Thomas, Harald descends from son Robert (II), and then there's the son Peter, which has not been well documented previously. That said, we're making a valiant attempt at it:


We've discussed the Patterson males that might be tied to Peter before, such as Andrew (possibly), and then more importantly, James, John Marion, and Peter.

As far as daughters are concerned, he appears to have had at least 4 daughters, according to the 1790 and 1800 census records. One born before 1790, another about 1789, another about 1790/91, and the 4th b/w 1790 and 1800.

I have believed for a few years now (actually, since 2003) that the second daughter was named Jane, b 1789. There was a Jane who moved to Buncombe roughly around 1805-1810 and then married a James Freeman about 1811/12. She was born in 1789 in SC. Their two oldest children were named Abigail Freeman (1813) and Peter Patterson Freeman (1816). There were 7 more kids born after that, all 9 being born in Buncombe.

James Freeman's parents were named Aaron Freeman and Mary Bentley (Freeman). Haven't we seen a York deed or two that has Peter Patterson AND an Abigail Patterson listed? Ah, yes - here it is:

E-502 13 July 1797 Peter Patterson of York County to Malcolm Henry of York County for 150 pounds, 150 acres, on the waters of Clarks fork of Bullock Creek being Patterson's branch and also 80 acres adjoining the above and Peter Patterson's lower field, the ridge road above Jacob Peters School House, Robert Love's corner at cross road and -------Ponder. Also 62 acres, adjoining and originally granted to Robert Patterson Sr., deceased, and is on both sides of Clarks fork. Witnesses: Robert Love, William Henry and Abigail Patterson. Samuel Watson J.P.

I was out walking a few minutes ago and then I was reminded of a person from Buncombe I found a few years that I couldn't ever tie to anyone. I now am quite certain this is yet another grandchild of Peter. I'm speaking of a boy named Robert Patterson Sandlin, born June 03, 1815, Buncombe, NC. This fella was the son of Ezekiel Sandlin and Martha ______.

I just did a follow up search and found that some Sandlin researchers believe Martha to have been a Patterson, but cannot prove it. Martha was born in 1790 in SC. She most certainly could be the 3rd daughter of Peter Patterson.

Get this... they supposedly married in SC around 1807, according to one source. They moved to NC about then and their children were all born in Buncombe. I also know that James Patterson (m Sarah Marr/Morrow) moved to Buncombe b/w 1805-1810.

Ezekiel Sandlin was the son of William Sandlin and they were from York Co SC, Kings Creek area - probably not far from the Ponders. After they moved to Buncombe, guess where they lived. Here's the abstract, followed by explanation:

(Buncombe Co NC)
(E 155) 5/12/1807 (8/22/1812)
Ezekiel Sandlin to James Patterson, 70 acres, "…Newfound Creek, joins George Black and Thomas Patterson's lands…, beginning on a ridge Black's corner running east to Thomas Patterson's corner…"
Witnesses: John Love & Daniel Ponders

(12/271) 3/8/1816
James Patterson to Reuben Black, 70 acres, (same land James Patterson had bought from Ezekiel Sandlin in 1807.) - "…Ridley Pence's corner…. (both men living in Buncombe at this time)"
Witnesses: Nathaniel Harrison & Jane Harrison

This means that Ezekiel Sandlin lived on the western side of Thomas Patterson. My John Patterson lived on the eastern side of Thomas Patterson. George Black lived to the south of them all. George Black was the brother in law of John Patterson. It appears now that Ezekiel Sandlin may have been the brother in law of James Patterson, as this was the same James who married Sarah Morrow. Remember that John Patterson had bought a different tract of land a little further away from a Richard Morrow.

Furthermore, Thomas Patterson's land was sold by the sheriff, and it changed hands a few times and ended up being owned by this same James Patterson. The land that John was living on next to Thomas's land had been bought by John from Reuben Black, son of Matthew Black of Burke Co NC and formerly of York Co SC. We see that James P later sells this Sandlin tract to Reuben Black. It is believed that Reuben's grandparents were Robert and Madge Cravens Black, by the way.

And last but not least, Nathaniel and Jane Harrison were siblings, and children of Joseph Harrison, and grandchildren of Nathaniel Harrison who signed Robert Patterson's 1775 will in SC.

Oh, and one more caveat. Notice that Ridley Pence lived next to them also, in 1816. John Patterson sold his land next to all this to Abram Pence, no doubt some relation to Ridley. These Pattersons were selling their land from 1815 to 1820 and moving a little further west into Haywood Co NC. A few years later, Abram Pence shows up next to John Patterson and his oldest son Joseph Black Patterson in Haywood. Abram Pence's daughter, Cassey Pence, married John Marion Patterson, brother of the above James Patterson.

Confused yet?

I don't see how this Martha could be a daughter of my Thomas, nor your Robert. If she's from the Robert "R" clan, it has to be Peter. We can't forget the daughters of Robert "R", but this Martha couldn't have been Sarah's (m Joseph Black), nor could she have been Lydia's (m John Black). While it's possible she could have been Elizabeth's (m Daniel Ponder), according to Ponder researchers, the youngest daughter they had was born in 1788, so it doesn't seem likely that she could be Elizabeth's daughter.

I am of the opinion that this Martha Sandlin was the third daughter of Peter Patterson.

Your thoughts?


P.S. I'm doing a quick review right now of your York SC deed abstracts and noticed this:

O-005-071 (Charleston) 18 February 1785 James Wilson of Camden District, farmer to John Wilson of same 4 pounds sterling, 200 acres the lower end of a survey in said district on Kings Creek adjacent Wilkinsons branch. Witnesses: Robt. Patterson, Willm. Sandlin. Proved: 19 February 1785 in Camden District by William Champion. Recorded: 15 March 1785.

Willm. Sandlin was the father in law of this Martha whom I'm suggesting is the daughter of Peter Patterson!


  1. At this time, it seems possible that the Abigail Patterson named in the 1797 deed, may have been Peter's eldest daughter. She could have been a wife of Peter, but the absence of her name as selling the land with Peter, suggests she may have been a daughter instead, as a witness to the deed.

    Does that mean Peter's wife was dead by 1797. Quite possibly.


  2. And then there's the 1796 will where Peter and Sarah Patterson were witnesses:

    LOVE, ROBERT of Clarks Fork, York County, 4 Oct 1796; Wife: Elenor; Eldest son: John Love; Sons: William and Robert Love; Three daughters: Janet, Francis and Elizabeth; Executors: Wife, Elenor and cousin, William Love; Witnesses: Will. Love, Peter Patterson, Sarah Patterson; Recorded: n.d.

    Peter's mother Sarah died in 1790. Was this Sarah the wife of Peter? Did she die before 1797 when Abigail witnessed a deed with Peter?


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